I can't unlock the bassinet because it wants baby quest
I continue the baby quest and i was in level 13 of quest but the quest has a limited time and when i come later the quest wasn't there and the bassinet is not unlock now and i can't restart or find it what can i buy bassinet now??????
Guess it’s a malfunction cause it happened to me too and those limited events were impossible to complete on time anyways so now my chance for a baby in the game is gone forever? Why is no one giving answers
Help? I’ve had my baby for 5 days and they aren’t aging up. I do the Bundle Of Joy activity every day and I interact with them using the feed and check on baby at least 1 time a day
Same as me. :( I finish too many quests until I got the duplicate quest of Baby 101, baby proof, etc. In the quest menu, it mention "a little more...quest". I don't know why. I repeat baby quest steps on and on. I am sure that I could catch up in time but the quest is ever ended until timeout. I waste whole 3 days to finish duplicate stupid quests repeatly. Damn it!!
I had this same problem. I've been trying to have a baby for the longest but I just didn't understand why the crib wouldn't unlock. Then after reading the tip from the question mark of the quest a few times, I realized what I had to do. In order to have a baby, you need to first buy the changing table, tap "Conceive Plan For Baby," complete the quest in time, and you should unlock the crib.
Same here. I just keep doing the same quests over & over & my bassinet won't unlock. This game started out fun but now all I do is try to complete quests & everything gets more & more expensive. I think I'm done!