
Culinary Career

Sims Mobile Culinary career, how to level up fast, how to unlock, rewards, and restaurant items, traits, story
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update 27/06/2018


One of the careers available in The Sims Mobile is Culinary Career. This job is related to preparation, cooking and presentation of food in the form of meals.
Culinary Career is available once you unlocked the Market Square. If you selected this career, you'll be the chef and the server of the restaurant. Progressing through this career will unlock some items related to culinary that will give you XP and Tokens everyday.

Career Story

Career StoryProgression Path

Out of the Frying Pan
  • Grill Gofer
  • Flavor Savior
  • Dish Whisperer
  • Umami Expert
  • Longshot Chef

Traits That Will Give Bonus

These Sims are a bit better at all careers
Good Upbringing
These Sims are way better at all Events
These Sims are better at the Barista and Culinary Careers

Career Related Objects

Culinary Career


Stacked Pots
-Unlocks in Out of the Frying Pan Career Story
Get a head start in Culinary Events

Standing Menu
165 SimoleonsCulinary Career Level 5
Get a head start in Culinary Events

Ingredient Counter
-Culinary Career Level 8
Get a head start in Culinary Events

Restaurant Decorations


Greek Pedestal
95 SimoleonsNone

Yellow Chair
50 SimoleonsNone
Dining Chair

45 SimoleonsNone
Table Decoration

Cookie Jar
60 SimoleonsNone
Table Decoration

Restaurant Wall Art
160 SimoleonsNone
Wall Decoration

Vase of Roses
75 SimoleonsNone
Table Plant

Home Reward


Gourmet Kitchen Island
-Unlocks in Out of the Frying Pan Career Story.
Kitchen Island

Racktastic Utensil Rack
-Unlocks in Out of the Frying Pan Career Story.
Wall Decor

Racktastic Pot Rack
35 SimoleonsUnlocks in Out of the Frying Pan Career Story.
Ceiling Decor

Other Hobbies & Careers


Hot New Top
My sim can't join the career
What should I do? The lot is open.
Raque Martinez
I completed the career story but I never got the racktastic utensil rack. Is there anything I missed? Thank you!
Stuck at Lv 9 Culinary Career. Question for anyone who has already gotten Lv 10 Culinary Career, did you end up buying the ingredient counter? For anyone having the same problem as me, let me know if buying the Ingredient Counter fixes the issue.
<< Anonymous(Saphy)
Anonymous Reply
I’m stuck at level 9.
I have a question if anyone can help please, and thank you! I downloaded the game and when it told me to make a new sim a did and it’s telling me to get the out of the frying pan thing/job but it says choose later, how do I start it?
<< Anonymous(Sophie)
Anonymous Reply
Hi all, i also have the same problem. I cannot unlock culinary career
<< Anonymous(Sophie)
Cassie Reply
You’ve got to be at Barista level 5 to unlock the culinary career, pretty sure
<< Anonymous(Cassie)
Anonymous Reply
Cant too :(( Already a Barista, level 5..
<< Anonymous(Sophie)
Anonymous Reply
simply tap on the picture if you want That job. If not sure then tap on choose later. You can also switch jobs but it costs a few coins
Me too, reached level 10 and my utensil rack is still locked. Suggestions?
I also cannot unlock the ractastic utensil rack. I've reached level 10, with only pots that I added to the restaurant. Said it's 100% complete, and the pot rack unlocked, however the last item (utensil rack) did not unlock...I want to retire this sim ..waiting on this
I reached 100% in the culinary career but the racktastic utensil rack never unlocked. Has anyone else had this problem?
Please help. I've already finished the story but I still haven't gotten the gourmet kitchen's still locked for me
<< Anonymous
Cassie Reply
I really think a lot of problems people are having are bugs. I had a problem with my stickers one day and the next it was fixed. Try waiting a day. Or, reinstall the app. Make sure you’ Connected to Facebook or google play first to save progress!
<< Anonymous(Cassie)
Anonymous Reply
This has been going on for weeks actually. I updated it yesterday, reinstalled it today and even went back to that career. It's still locked :(
Do I keep going even though it says 100% completed?
<< Anonymous(Mia)
Anonymous Reply
I am having this same problem. It says 100% but its not advancing. Greer. I'm trying to complete the Easter quest.
guyz, you just have to tap on the image to begin a career. Not on the little "?" .
<< Anonymous(Ella)
Sophie Reply
Thank you I will try that, have a good one!
Hi ... buying the Standing Menu helps in something? or it is optional
<< Anonymous(Mari)
SimmermaN Reply
This will give you a headstart or additional points in every Culinary event.
Hello! Once you are on that part, just click the image above the "Pick later" option.
<< SimmermaN
Babe Reply
And if that is not working?

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Risk actions drives me crazy! It is the worst feature of all and it is mostly invisible! For the ...
Got a pop up in the sims mobile saying new house lot called Athletes Abode was available showing ...
I have 2 sims a female named Kali (did I say that right?) and a male named jordan and Kali wants ...
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