

The sims mobile rooms, how to build, and how to put items.
The Sims Mobile How To Guide
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update 07/04/2018

135 SimoleonsNone

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I put a room in storage but now how do I get it out
Is there a maximum to a room size? I am trying to lengthen an existing room into open terrain but it shows red.
<< Anonymous(Mike)
Anonymous Reply
Same thing happened to me! Still trying to figure that out because it’s so annoying
I was charged 13000 simoleans to rearrange my rooms after the update. I didn't even realize until after the money was all gone and I wasn't able to finish. My rooms are all disconnected now and I have no place to put things. Can you please refund me my simoleans and fix this?
<< Anonymous(JP)
Anonymous Reply
This has also happen to me as well. I lost money and sim home tickets for doing the same thing since the update. EA has yet to respond to me about my lost as well
<< Anonymous
C.C. Reply
They responded to me within in minutes. You have to contact them from within the game.
I had put my rooms on a storage and tried to retrieve them but they are not there. Is there any ways to retrieve them?
<< Anonymous(Gel)
C.C. Reply
Did you report it? I reported it when that happened to me and they gave me simoleons and llama tokens to buy a new room.
How many rooms do you get on sims mobile maximum?
<< Anonymous(Anon)
Anonymous Reply
12 but you need to reach max level lifestyle
When looking at other players houses, they seem to own they sort of patterned room dividers. I still have yet to find where to get them from. Can anyone tell me?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
This was part of the World of Luxury quest. You won’t find it to purchase.
I cannot rearrange rooms with ver. 11's update unless i have enough simoleons. Why? :(
<< Anonymous
Maria Reply
Saaaame!! I tried to put it back into storage but then i cant place it at all

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Risk actions drives me crazy! It is the worst feature of all and it is mostly invisible! For the ...
Got a pop up in the sims mobile saying new house lot called Athletes Abode was available showing ...
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