I can't unlock the bassinet because it wants baby quest
I continue the baby quest and i was in level 13 of quest but the quest has a limited time and when i come later the quest wasn't there and the bassinet is not unlock now and i can't restart or find it what can i buy bassinet now??????
I just almost finished the quest and ran out because there was 15 seconds left and my people didn’t have energy, I’ve tried the baby quest about five times now and I can’t ever finish it and I really want to have a baby but I guess I cant
Well, the same thing happened to me, and basically the only thing that you can do, is wait untill you can tap the baby changing table and try the quests again. It could help if you do this in a weekend, 'cause then I suppose you have more time. Now, if you are very rich, you can go faster, by using cupcakes or simcash. I don't expect you to have that though, so just do it the basic way
So, what you have to do is you have to restart the challenge, and by doing that, you need to click on the changing table that you should have bought in the beginning, AFTER you have completed the other challenges. After you have clicked on it, restart the challenge by clicking on the very first challenge. I hope that this helped
You need to click on the changing table, and click "Conceive plan for baby" and the quest will appear. Some are really quick, like clicking on the dining table to do something. Other events, you can just wait for 4 hours and occasionally check for a notification if you're done. I did that and I got a baby!!!
If you have the changing table, you actually have the choice to conceive plan for a baby, and then you have about 2 days to finish the quest to get the bassinet. Hope you found this helpful!