
LlamaZoom: Tips and Tricks

Anyone else finishing the llama zoom quests and still having to pay cash at the end to get the rewards? I remember previously you just did the tasks and get the reward not have to also pay money to get it . Is there a glitch in the game? This is getting frustrating
I'm working fine, no pay any simcash.
<< Anonymous(none)
Everytime single time it requests cash now, so until I save up 45 sim cash to get my reward then I will never have enough llamas to start a new job or expand my house etc.

I’m just bored doing the same things over and over trying to save up that 45 cash FOUR TIMES OVER to unlock one job.

Can’t even do tasks to get cash because they require llamas.

Scroll to the right- there is probably a third set of tasks that you didn’t see


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