
Having a Baby in The Sims Mobile [Complete Guide]

I’m on my third child and they have all been boys so far. I really want a girl and I don’t want to adopt or keep having to have boys. Is there anything I could do to get a girl for definite?
No, but it will happen eventually. The same thing happened to me, but then my fourth child was a girl. You just need to keep trying. At the moment I have four boys and three girls, so it evens out the more children you have.
I have two girls so far, you know >~<
Baby maker lol
Change the color of your bassinet (baby crib) into pink. It works on me.
Baby maker lol
Change the color of your bassinet (baby crib) into pink. It works on me.
Baby maker lol
Change the color of your bassinet (baby crib) into pink. It works on me.
Baby maker lol
Change the color of your bassinet (baby crib) into pink. It works on me.
Baby maker lol
Change the color of your bassinet (baby crib) into pink. It works on me.
<< Anonymous(Baby maker lol)
Didn’t work
<< Anonymous(Baby maker lol)
Changing bassinet color did not work
i have two daughters, i want the third to be a boy but dont know too it so sad
The only way is by adopting. It’s literally the same end result (a baby), but you don’t WooHoo, and you’ll get your preferred gender.
<< Anonymous(Baby maker lol)
How many kids did u have before? I have 2 boys. And iv been dying for a girl
<< Anonymous
I’m not sure about that XD I have had 12 girls and no boys unless I adopt it’s weird but I’ve gotten used to all the girls
How do you have another child?
I might be wrong but in my case it was how I decorated the room that resulted in the gender. Pinks and purples- girls and blues and greens-boys
I just had my very first baby and I decided I would try out the pink crib thing and it was a girl! I don’t think it’s the crib though, I guess I got lucky
if you want to have a baby boy, all you need to do is having the husband make a baby with the wife, and not the wife making baby with the husband.
<< Anonymous
and if you want a baby girl the wife should be the one have a baby with husband
<< Anonymous
That actually doesn’t work, my husband had a baby with his wife and they got a girl and vice versa
<< Anonymous
That actually doesn’t work, my husband had a baby with his wife and they got a girl and vice versa
I have four boys including one baby. I just change everything in the room to pink and purple. Hope it works.
<< Anonymous
I have 6 boys and there is goues nothing ...i want girl whyy
<< Anonymous(Baby maker lol)
Miss many questions
I tried that and got a boy. I'm on my second and I want the maximum to be 3. How would I change the odds?
I have literally gotten 8 boys in a row and I’m losing my mind lol
<< Anonymous
Also for me. It didn't work. I really want a girl. Already had a boy. Already done the nursery pink. I ate strawberries and listened to pop music my whole pregnancy. Still no girl
Have a baby>rush the process>if it's a gender you don't prefer get out of the game beforen when it's says give them a name and close the tab also. I have done that 3 times 1 accidental the game kinda crashed when i got a boy then all it was undone by the way doing it more than twice for the same bassinet and baby is risky
Having a temporary 🔥 relationship also worked for me male-male=boy male-female=random female-female=girl


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