
How to Bake a Flawless Cake

The Sims Mobile How To Guide
How to have a baby?
update 15/06/2017
Note: This page is based on the first version of The Sims Mobile. This is no longer part of the latest version. Check out the changes here.

Baking a cake in The Sims Mobile is much easier comparing to baking in real life. You just have to be at least Cooking Hobby Level 9 to unlock this interaction. To complete this life goal, you'll need Cooking Hobby object such as Basic Stove, 2 Energy points, 1 Hygiene point and 10 seconds of your time.

Life GoalSet the Table
Description"Bake a Flawless Cake" in the Cooking Hobby
RewardsGold Sack, Hobby Token, Simoleon, SimCash

1. Tap on your equipment.

Once you have all the necessities for this life goal, tap on your hobby object which is the stove. Select the highlighted one which is "Bake a Flawless Cake".

2. Start mixing all the ingredients.

You don't have to do anything in this part of the interaction. You just need to watch and wait for your Sim to finish.

3. Claim your rewards.

After 10 seconds, tap on the gold check mark on your screen to claim your rewards from completing this life goal. Aside from the tokens, Simcash and Simoleons, you'll get a cake that you can portion out with everyone.


Ariyan Ahmed

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