
Ask to Move-in

The Sims Mobile How To Guide
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update 19/04/2018

How does "Ask to Move-In" Works?

  • You ask other player's Sim to move in to your household and become their besties or soulmates depending on your story!

  • You need to reach level 8 relationship and a free Sim slot before you can ask someone to move in.

Benefits of Moving In

Sims that you ask to move in will carry all of their attribute like Traits, Create-a-Sim items, etc. The only downside of this is when you put some expensive stuff to your Sim and someone ask to move-in that Sim, that player can keep the items that your Sim wears!

How to "Ask to Move-in"

1. Requirements

Firstly, you need to have an empty Sim slot. You should also capable of attending parties so you should be at least Player Level 6.
Reach level 8 of any relationship stories, you can start a rival story and still able to ask them to move in.

This interaction will become available once you've reached level 8 of your relationship.

2. Request to Move-In

Once you've met and unlocked the interaction above, tap on it. This notification will appear in your end, tap the "Request to Move-in" to proceed.

The other player will receive this message in their inbox. Keep in mind that you can't send a move-in request when there's a party going on.

Once the other player tap the "Move my Sim" option, his/her Sim will immediately retire and leave an heirloom. The retired Sim will roam around your town and eventually become an elder NPC overtime.

3. Say Hello to your New Sim!

After the other player accepted the request, this message will appear in your inbox. Tap "OK" to receive the new Sim! You'll be directed into "Create-a-Sim" page and edit them to your hearts desire!


  • Communication is the key to success . Coordinate with other player to get the best result. Start a party and add the targeted Sim to your contact list. Doing this will make it easier to socialize and reach level 8 of that relationship. Also make sure to dress thatSsim with the most expensive stuff so the other players can use it without even buying the items!
  • This feature also let you play as an Elder/Retired Sim!


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Does it work to NPC, and one more, what if the player no longer active?
I'm new to the game.I had no clue what the move-in request option was. The game never went over it, so I took the description given literally and thought it was the game's way of saying my Sim could get a house of her own. I HAD NO DAMN CLUE IT WAS A REQUEST FOR ME TO GIVE AWAY MY SIM FOR FREE?! 1)Why the heck is this even an option? Why give a Sim away for free? My only pay was this dinky name brand clothes that I could now unlock. NOT HAVE....unlock and pay for on my own. 2) Why does the game allow players to ask for SIMs from players below lvl 8 who don't know what that option is yet and have no way of asking for their SIMS back?

I want my SIM back. Is there any way I can get her? She's not a high level or anything special. I just passively started playing less than 2 days ago, so idk the other play even asked for her? I'm just 🔥 the game didn't actually tell me what the request was.
<< Anonymous(AngryAsHeck)
zozo Reply
Hi! I think EA should add a video or let new players know about the ask-to-move-in option! So if some player asked you to move your sim into their household and you said yes, then you won't be able to control your sim or get her back. She will immediately retire and leave you an heirloom. The player who asked your sim to move in will get to control her. I hope this answers your question!
<< Anonymous(AngryAsHeck)
Pandabear Reply
You can just click plus and make a new one
<< Anonymous(AngryAsHeck)
Anonymous Reply
I asked a sim to movie in and its been a week and she is not moving yet and I can’t reask again
The owner of the sim I married and was about to move in with has changed their appearance and they used to be good looking and now he is old and ugly :( once he moves in can I change his appearance??
<< Anonymous(Issy)
zozo Reply
Hi! Yes, you can edit the sim to your heart's desire! But the sim is probably retired, so that's why they look old. You probably won't be able to ask them to move-in is retired, though. Hope this helps!
<< Anonymous(Issy)
Pandabear Reply
<< Anonymous(Issy)
Anonymous Reply
<< Anonymous(Issy)
Anonymous Reply
Yes u can
What happens if you have completed everything thats above explaining how to get a sim to move in... i asked the player but they were last active 52 days ago.. what now??
<< Anonymous(Summer)
Banana Reply
This happend to me too and now i am just waiting
Ummm how long does it take to accept there is this other guy who was asked to move in with my sim and it taking so long
hey my friend asked if she could move my sim into her house i accidentally said no and the game won’t let her ask again. how can i allow my sim to move with her?
I think I'd accidentally remove my passive sim. I can't find her in any household. But she's there around the city just like other npc. Can I ask her to move in to get her back to my household?
<< Anonymous(Lea)
Anonymous Reply
I’ve had this happened to me twice already the only way that I could get them back was to make them marry somebody. :,(
If a character divorces an NPC, will they still be in the house? I lost a Sim by keeping them passive for too long and I had to marry them to bring them back because he became an NPC. I want to make him divorce the character I had to make him marry, but I’m worried that he will roam around again.
I think I'd accidentally remove my passive sim. I can't find her in any household. But she's there around the city just like other npc. Can I ask her to move in to get her back to my household?
Hello! A friend of mine requested my Sim to move in and pm me about it. The thing is that my simat the time she requested her was passive (2021 update with passive playable sims) so i didn't get a message. I've tried making her playable again but still no message. My question is will the request expire sometime so she can request her again?
I am at level 10 with a sim, I married them, they don’t belong to anyone else (no blue thing above the head), I have a free sim slot, and the ask to move in option still does not appear. Do I need to wait a certain amount of time after marriage, or is there another problem?
<< Anonymous
zozo Reply
Hi! So only sims with the blue thing above their heads (called "plumbobs") will get to move in. An NPC (non-player sim) will automatically move into your household after marriage.
<< Anonymous
zozo Reply
Hi! No, it has to be AT LEAST relationship level 8. It can be relationship level 9 or relationship level 10, too! Hope this helps!
<< Anonymous
QueenShimmer Reply
You don't need to be on relationship level 8. You can be on any level that's higher than level 8!
<< Anonymous
QueenShimmer Reply
Hi there! I think you have to marry a sim with a blue plumbob to ask them to move in.

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Risk actions drives me crazy! It is the worst feature of all and it is mostly invisible! For the ...
Got a pop up in the sims mobile saying new house lot called Athletes Abode was available showing ...
I have 2 sims a female named Kali (did I say that right?) and a male named jordan and Kali wants ...
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