
The Sims Mobile Game Menu

The Sims Mobile Game Menu Guide, How to, Icon Descriptions
The Sims Mobile How To Guide
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update 10/07/2018

What is Game Menu?

Similar to other games, these are icons shown on your computer, phone or tablet's screen from which the player can choose to perform certain command or action. These might also give you the information you need.

Being familiar with the game menu will give you an advantage in playing the game, particularly those players who just started. The Sims Mobile game menu is not hard to understand since the game will give you tutorial at first. You can use this guide to learn how to navigate The Sims Mobile menu and find what you're looking for.

Top Menu Icons


This icon is not always present. If the game has some featured digital products such as bundle pack or unlocks, you can tap this to direct you to the purchasing screen.

In-App Store

This is where you can spend your currencies in the game. You can buy Simoleons, SimCash, different ticket bundles, promotional items and heirloom chest. Visit the store every day to redeem your free daily family chest.

Simoleon & Simcash

You can see how much Simoleons and Simcash you have on the top left corner of the screen. Tapping on it will direct you to the In-App store where you can purchase Simoleons, Simcash, Bundles and more. This is the area where you can use your credit card or other payment methods.

Lifestyle Score

The Lifestyle Score is in the center of the screen. This is your total score of objects from the Set, clothes and Heirlooms you have in your game. This will also show you your current ranking.

Player Level

Player Level is the icon on the top right corner of the screen. This will give you information about your current player level and the XP you have or needed to step up. Tapping on it will show you the player level interface.

Lower Left Menu Icons

Sim Info Panel

The Sim Info Panel will give you the complete details about your Sim. You can get information about:

  • Stories - This will show your current career, hobby or relationship story progress.
  • Relationships - This will display all the Sims with whom he/she has interacted and their relationship status. You can also call them to socialize with them.
  • Traits - Tapping on it will provide you information about the traits you have unlocked for that particular Sim. You can change their traits too!
  • Change Appearance - You can select this option if you want a makeover for your Sim. You can also change its sex and name too!

Work / Home

When your Sim is at home, tapping this icon will send him/her to his/her workplace. Tapping this icon while outside your home will immediately send him/her to your humble abode. If you want to go somewhere else, just tap the map icon and select the location.

Energy Info / Recharge

The Energy Bar and the Recharge Options icon is just below your Sim's avatar. The energy bar will just show you how much is the remaining energy your Sim have. To view what object you can use to recharge your energy, you can tap the Energy Bar. Tapping the available recharge option will automatically direct you to the object. If you can't find your Sim, just tap his/her avatar to locate.

Lower Right Menu Icons

Arrow Pull-Out Tab Menu

Tapping the Arrow Tab menu will show you a lot of options. From the top of it, you will see icons for :

  • Parties - to host and to attend party. Any actions related to party can be seen here.
  • Game Friends - to see the list of friends in The Sims Mobile and your network
  • Messages - to read In-game messages and other notifications
  • Inventory - this is where you can check the Tickets, Career Order items and Boosts you have.
  • Settings - in the Settings, you can link/unlink your Facebook account, EA Account, Twitter and Game Center or Google Play. Linking any account will save your game progress. This is where you can turn on/off the game music, sound effects and notifications. You can also change your player name here and check your achievements. In case you need to access the official Sims Mobile forums or need help about the game, you can tap on "Help & About".

Build / Buy Catalog

The Build / Catalog icon is below the Player Level. This icon will show the list of objects that you can purchase using Simcash and Simoleons. Home improvements such as wall and roofing are also included in the list.

Quests / Events

Tapping this icon underneath the map icon will show you the list of special events and quests. You can unlock this part of the game once you've reached Player Level 12.

Daily To Do List

Daily To Do List is where you can see the checklist of things you can do for a day in exchange for rewards. You'll be rewarded by accomplishing the list.


Hot New Top
How do I find a career or hobby station and start a new event? this is for the roommate race .
How do I get to the home catalog for my wedding stuff?
<< Anonymous
Anonymous Reply
To get the wedding stuff, just got to the buy section, Then go to the collections section. There should be a category that says home item collection. If you click on that, just scroll over until you find the wedding set. Hope this helped :)
guys just go to quest collections
Where is the home catalog then?
How to open the home catalogue
No namer
Where is the home catolog???
<< Anonymous(No namer)
Me Reply
Exactly! That's what I want to know also
You did not solve my question. I am disappointed, please do evolve your website to the current expectations and updates of the game
How do you turn off the sound
Side menu ( party menu) doesn't no open
How to open it
<< Anonymous
Katie Reply
Did you fix yours already? Have the same problem :/
<< Anonymous
L Reply
Did you find a way to fix it?
Can I send messages? And how..?
<< Anonymous(Kat)
L Reply
How did you fix it?
<< Anonymous(Kat)
L Reply
Sorry, wrong commment!

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Risk actions drives me crazy! It is the worst feature of all and it is mostly invisible! For the ...
Got a pop up in the sims mobile saying new house lot called Athletes Abode was available showing ...
I have 2 sims a female named Kali (did I say that right?) and a male named jordan and Kali wants ...
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