I can't unlock the bassinet because it wants baby quest
I continue the baby quest and i was in level 13 of quest but the quest has a limited time and when i come later the quest wasn't there and the bassinet is not unlock now and i can't restart or find it what can i buy bassinet now??????
A tip for the baby quest and all quest with a time limit is to help your sim until you run out of energy then if you have another sim help them with qeusts and other stuff you want them to do as you help your other sim keep a eye on your that is doing the qeust with a time limt. AND IF YOU HAVE A CUPCAKE USE THEM TO GIVE YOUR SIM FULL ENERGY OR SEE IF ANY OF THE OTHER THINGS ARE AVAILABLE.
Use both your Sims for all the tasks in the baby quest. If you do that, each task time cuts down to half. That way, you will be able to finish the baby quest before the time limit ends.