
Can you have twins

Identical twins


Answer List

Maybe but no one really knows
you can purchase two bassinettes at the same time, and age up the children together, I just did and they are not identical, but if you want them to be you can just edit them later on :)))
Well person who keeps saying no once you complete the baby thing you get a bassinet after that you can buy another one for 5,000 simleaons so now we have two bassinets I guess it’s possible also stop saying things you don’t know
Ja det kan du godt. Sims er meget virkeligs tro. Jeg fik tvillinger men de havde forskellig øjenfarve men ellers var de ens. Men måske var det bare noget med min enhed
You can buy 32 basinets
You can if you buy another crib
In he new update you can get four baskets so maybe.
Can you have twins in Sims mobile?

Question List

Does retiring your Sim make the baby not grow up?

One of my Sims has a baby a few days before she was retired. Since then her baby keeps want relat...

Age up babies?

So I've had this baby for about a week give or take, and I can't figure out how to age ...

Can a friend ask your sim to move in more than once?

One of my online friends recently asked one of my Sims to move in their house. I would've ac...

How can I create new sims??

I have Super ticket Sims but I can add just with some cash

Can't seem to find a clear answer...

Hey! So I get to unlock the 3rd playable SIM you need to pay in simcash but can anyone tell me, i...

Is it possible to change the relationship story?

Ex: I want to change from Geek Speak to Soul mates. Is that possible?

Cannot move husband in

I married my friend’s sims and I hit level 8 to move him in but I cannot move him in, it sa...

When will my baby age up?

How long till I get another story line or quest for the baby? She just lays in the bassinet with ...

how do i retire my sim?

i have already retired one of my sims and moved her out but i still have the other one and i&rsqu...

No option to move my child from house

My sim has a daughter who the is grown up. From reading other questions on this it seems that I s...


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Risk actions drives me crazy! It is the worst feature of all and it is mostly invisible! For the ...
Got a pop up in the sims mobile saying new house lot called Athletes Abode was available showing ...
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