You need to wait until the baby changes into a toddler. After they turn into a toddler, then can you change their name. I was supposed to call my baby Tegan however I accidentally clicked a ‘b’ instead of an ‘n’ and now my child is called Tegab…
Dunno either
Wait to grow up to toddler and then will you can
You cannot change the baby’s name until they are a toddler.
I want change the name of baby so how can o change the name of the baby?
i had a boy and i accidentally named him agustus instead of tyler because my sim needed a new trait
I had a boy and i named him taylor but it suppose to be tyler
As far as I know you can't change the baby's name unless they are aged up into adults already
i nemed both of the babies jade by mistake, but i dont think you can change its name. :(
I don't think you can, but you could leave a review and ask the makers to update the game so that you can change their appearance and shape.