
Summer Throwdown League

The Sims Mobile, Summer Throwdown League, limited edition event, guide, rewards, How to Get, Participation Ribbons, Prize Chest, Knolling Bottle Nook, Haute Dog
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update 13/08/2018

Event Overview

The Summer Throwdown League is another limited time summer event launched by The Sims Mobile Team last August 9th. This event is more on having a friendly match and being competitive.

This event will only last for the next 4 days starting the date of their Twitter announcement which is August 9th. Make sure you complete every item rewards and make the most of it!


The main objective of this event is to earn Participation Ribbons as many as possible by complete time-limited goals and quest. You can use these ribbons to purchase a Consolation Prize Chest. Each chest cost 250 Participation Ribbons. If you want to improved odds to get rare items, you can purchase each chest for 50 SimCash but that is just optional.


Every Consolation Prize Chest or Championship Chest contains one or more of the reward item such as Simoleon, Simcash, Fashion Gem, Home Ticket and Super Sim Ticket. Aside from the typical rewards, you can also get a chance to get rare rewards such as The Original Haute Dog which was first offered in Summer Backyard Barbeque Event, Sharp as Attack dartboard and A Splash of Dart Neon Juice Light.

The two chestbox offer almost the same reward items, however, Championship Chest provides a huge chance of getting the rare ones. In case you get a duplicate reward item like clothing or furniture, you will receive tickets for the uncommon items and Fashion Gems (or Simcash if you this is from Championship Chest) for the rare items.

Discover Competitive Side Quest Guide

Before you start this quest, make sure you have enough energy for every playable Sim you have. We highly suggest not to start any Summer Throwdown League event that will took place in the restaurant or home (those events with Pink Trophy Icon) and the Daily To Do List because those are part of the quest and we don't want you to wait for a day just to refresh them to complete those part or pay a huge amount of SimCash to refresh those events. Do not spend any Participation Ribbons yet! You will need a bunch of those ribbon in the later part of the quest.

Discover Competitive Side: Part 1

"Work up a cool sweat arguing with appliances"

  • Quest Reward: 480 Participation Ribbons

To begin with, tap on an appliances and choose the action "Argue with...". Appliances that can be use to perform this actions are fridges, microwaves, coffee makers and stove. This is a quick action, but you have to do it trice.

Discover Competitive Side: Part 2

"Completely infatuated with the competition"

  • Quest Reward: 480 Participation Ribbons

This part is almost similar to the previous one. This time, you have to tap a Sim instead of an object. Tap any Sim in your screen and perform the action "Are you competitive?". You have to do it to three individual Sims. You can re-do the same action to the same Sim after 5 minutes.

Discover Competitive Side: Part 3

"Find a rival in disguise"

  • Quest Reward: 360 Participation Ribbons
  • Possible Reward: 1 Sim Ticket, 15 Simoleons, 24 Relationship XP

To complete this part, you have to start a rival relationship story with another Sim. It should be a brand new one so make a clashing relationship with an Acquaintance Sim.

Discover Competitive Side: Part 4

"Seek out rival revelry among party goers"

  • Quest Reward: 360 Participation Ribbons

The task in this part is pretty straight forward. You just need to attend and complete a single party. Just make sure you get all three stars in that party.

Discover Competitive Side: Part 5

"Prove to rival that you can earn more"

  • Quest Reward: 120 Participation Ribbons

You can easily conclude this part of the quest by earning at least a total of 650 Simoleons from any events. Make use of your cupcake to speed up your event progress. Your Sim's trait also play a part in getting more points.

Discover Competitive Side: Part 6

"Prove superiority in maintaining relationships"

  • Quest Reward: 120 Participation Ribbons

This is a time consuming part of the quest. For this one, you have to complete 3 Relationship events. Any type of relationship events will do. We recommend to start those events using all playable Sims you have and choose your home as event place so you can easily recharge your energy.

Discover Competitive Side: Part 7

"Prove capacity to consume more than rival"

  • Quest Reward: 120 Participation Ribbons
  • Event Possible Reward: 125 Participation Ribbons, 205 Simoleons, 45 XP

This is the part where the event listed in the Summer Throwdown League will play a part. First, go to the restaurant in the Market Square. Locate and tap the fridge and the initiate the "Competitive eating" event. Make use of your cupcake and assist your Sim to perform during the event to speed up the timer.

Discover Competitive Side: Part 8

"Prove promotion superiority to rival"

  • Quest Reward: 75 Participation Ribbons

This part is another time consuming part, but we have a tip to speed it up. Your main task here is to complete 2 separate Career Story chapters. To easily tick this part off from your list, we recommend you to start the Barista Career as the first chapter is available at Career Level 2.

Discover Competitive Side: Part 9

"Develop a sharp competitive edge"

  • Quest Reward: 75 Participation Ribbons
  • Event Possible Reward: 400 Participation Ribbons, 165 Simoleons, 36 XP

This part is about the Summrer Throwdown League Event called "Competitive Spirit". To start, tap any sofa or loveseat at home and perform the said event. This will last for 6 hours, but with the help of cupcake and your help, you can speed up the event. If you completed this event earlier, you have to wait for it to refresh or pay SimCash to make it available in no time.

Discover Competitive Side: Part 10

"Develop a sharp competitive edge"

  • Quest Reward: 75 Participation Ribbons

At this point, we are pretty sure some of your task in the Daily To Do List is already completed. Just fulfil the remaining task and make it 100% complete.

Discover Competitive Side: Part 11

"Expand matter and time,space and waistline"

  • Quest Reward: 75 Participation Ribbons
  • Event Possible Reward: 125 Participation Ribbons, 205 Simoleons, 45 XP

If you were able to succeed in 7th Part of this quest, then you can definitely ace this part. You just need to do the same event called "Competitive eating" in the restaurant by tapping the fridge to start.

Discover Competitive Side: Part 12

"Prove to rival your commitment to daily routines"

  • Quest Reward: 80 Participation Ribbons

Completing the Daily To Do List is the main task on this part of the quest. Don't you worry because this will be the last time you will do this completion. Just tick every single item on the list and you're done.

Discover Competitive Side: Part 13

"Prove you are more socially involved than rival"

  • Quest Reward: 80 Participation Ribbons

The task for this part is just to gather 20 Sim Tickets. You can get bunch of those tickets from Relationship events and Parties. You can also purchase those tickets and it will be counted, but that's not advisable.

Discover Competitive Side: Part 14

"Work on improving your competitive edge"

  • Quest Reward: 80 Participation Ribbons
  • Event Possible Reward: 400 Participation Ribbons, 165 Simoleons, 36 XP

This is another Summer Throwdown League Event that you need do again. You can complete the Competitive Spirit" at home by tapping any sofa or love seat and choosing the said event. Your Sim will start to think of strategy, strengthen his spirit and compete with other Sims. Make the most of it as you will need those Participation Ribbons in the next part.

Discover Competitive Side: Part 15

"Participation trophies for days"

  • Quest Reward: 80 Participation Ribbons

This is the best part of the quest! All you have to do is splurge your hard earned Participation Ribbons in Consolation Prize Chests. Make sure to spend at least 2,000 Participation Ribbons to complete this part.

Discover Competitive Side: Part 16

"Become master of the menu"

  • Quest Reward: 80 Participation Ribbons
  • Event Possible Reward: 125 Participation Ribbons, 205 Simoleons, 45 XP

This is just the same with the 7th Part and 11th Part. Simply head to the restaurant, tap the fridge and perform the event called "Competitive eating". You Sim will start to annoy the chef of the restaurant and the customers as well. Speed up the event by using cupcakes and to refill your energy.

Discover Competitive Side: Part 17

"Prove that you are more talented that rival"

  • Quest Reward: 130 Participation Ribbons

This part of the quest might be quite time consuming if you don't know the trick. The main goal for this part is to complete two hobby stories. The trick here to conclude this part easily is to start a new hobby. You can do this to two playable Sims you have. Your previous hobby progress will stay the same if you plan to switch it back.

Discover Competitive Side: Last Part

"Become the master of competitive spirit"

  • Quest Reward: 130 Participation Ribbons
  • Event Possible Reward: 400 Participation Ribbons, 165 Simoleons, 36 XP

Finally! We are on the last part of the quest. This part is just the same with 9th and 14th Part wherein you need to tap a sofa or a love seat at home and perform an event called "Competitive Spirit". We recommend the usage of cupcake to hasten your progress and to get additional Participation Ribbons. I guess The Sims Mobile Team is already running out of idea since there's a lot of repetitive task in this quest. We are hoping they will come up with a unique event soon.

Quest Rewards

Aside from those rare items you can get from the event chest, this is your only opportunity to grab the Knolling Bottle Nook.

If your are planning to have a mini bar inside your house, this item is perfect piece you should have. Make sure to get this item before you run out of time. After the event, you still have a day or two just to redeem your remaining Participation Ribbons.


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Risk actions drives me crazy! It is the worst feature of all and it is mostly invisible! For the ...
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