
Moving in

I want to get another sim to move in with me. It says that my household is to small. How do i make it bigger.


Answer List

You can add rooms and make another room and acquire the level to ask the sim to move in and keep doing renovations ok........
You probably need to add a sim by paying with simoleons (if you only have one) then with simcash (to get to three)

Question List

Asking to move in.

How do I ask to move in a sim? I marry her and also have babies with her. It said no more room ho...

How do I change a relationship status?

My sim is soulmates with someone but the person I want him to be soulmates with is only an acoust...

I can’t make coffee

It’s said that my sims is not in the correct position?

Can my friend move in with me and be in the same house as me?

Can my friend move in with me and be in the same house as me? In real time?

Where did the flat cap go?

My sim changed into a chef's hat for a foodie party. When I came home and tried to put his f...

How to Max Sim’s Traits/Retire?

I read somewhere else on the internet that in order for you to retire, you had to have all your t...

When you ask another player sim to move in do they lose that sim.

And favorting a sim do they show up in your game


Comments (updated every hour)

Risk actions drives me crazy! It is the worst feature of all and it is mostly invisible! For the ...
Got a pop up in the sims mobile saying new house lot called Athletes Abode was available showing ...
I have 2 sims a female named Kali (did I say that right?) and a male named jordan and Kali wants ...
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