
Why can’t I control my child who just turned into an adult?

I had a child and I clicked on the birthday cake to make him an adult. He is still a ncp and no more birth cakes will show up. My previous kid moved out, but I still couldn’t control him.


Answer List

My 4th spot is open but it still doesn’t work
U click on the family photo and click play this sim andd then tjere u go
Do you have any of the 4 sim spots open? You must have an open one to make the child playable. To open one, you must retire a sim you are playing. If you only have the original 2 spots open, then you must retire one of the 2 to play the child or purchase the third one for 175$ in sim cash. The same for 4th but at higher $$$

Question List

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Risk actions drives me crazy! It is the worst feature of all and it is mostly invisible! For the ...
Got a pop up in the sims mobile saying new house lot called Athletes Abode was available showing ...
I have 2 sims a female named Kali (did I say that right?) and a male named jordan and Kali wants ...
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